Overcast For Mac

Overcast is a popular iOS podcast app developed by Marco Arment. It’s notable for its voice boost and smart speed features. It was originally released in 2013 as a paid app. Since this, it’s moved. Overcast is an almost-perfect podcast manager for iOS, but adding a few key features would make it even better. This application is in no way affiliated with Overcast, I use this app a lot on my iPhone and wish I could use it on my Mac too, so I built this. Get Overcast for iOS here. Please note: as this is a free application and I am not on the Apple Developer Program to sign it. Best Cloud Backup for Mac: Backblaze With an easy to use interface, competitive pricing and unlimited storage, Backblaze isn’t just the best Mac backup; it’s earned first place among all our.

A simple (unofficial) overcast.fm podcast app for macOS and Linux.

Installation (Mac)

Overcast.app from Releases

  1. Just download/clone the overcast.app and open it up!

Installation (Linux)

Overcast App For Mac

  1. Download overcast-linux-x64.zip && extract the files
  2. cd into the extracted folder
  3. Run sudo chhmod +x * in the folder (this updates the permissions so the app can run)
  4. Then just run ./overcast in the folder. Voila!
Overcast machine stitch

Reason for this app?

I was tired of having to hunt down a browser window/tab with overcast.fm or only listen from iOS. After Instacast went under, Overcast became my preferred podcast app for the last couple of years. The only drawback was there is no native mac app from the company. It was also a nice excuse to wrap a simple webapp for practical daily use. Maybe others can find it useful.

UI/UX & Design

Overcast For Mac Windows 10

Please don't blame me for the UI. It's the same as overcast.fm. If you would like the webapp UI changed, please direct that communication to Overcast: [https://overcast.fm/contact]. If you do see some bugs, and you notice they are probably in my app and not the overcast.fm web site, please let me know by creating an issue

When I click this to open the settings panel, I now see there is an Add Account “1 new”. Outlook for mac update history.


If there is demand for a Windows version, please open up an issue and I will get on it. :)

Overcast For Macbook Pro


Overcast For Mac Pro

Thanks to Jia Hao for making nativefier, an easy CLI for wrapping web apps in electron for native desktop environments.